I moved to Seattle last November, which is arguably the worst time of year. The rain and clouds move in to cover the blue skies and cool the warm summer temperatures. I did not know what to expect moving so far away from home.
Seattle Skyline from Kerry Park
After having lived in twelve different dorms, apartments, or townhouses within two countries and six cities in the past ten years, is it time to slow down? I love moving to new cities, but this move was different. . .
I am 2,500 miles away from my parent’s house. Visiting family is going to be a trip in itself, where I have to use vacation days. However, moving somewhere new is a great time to learn more about myself and meet new friends. It is the first time Andy and I would be in the same city and wouldn’t have to wait for the weekends or once a month to see each other.
Completed My First Backpacking Trip at the Grand Canyon – 2008
When I told people I was moving to Seattle, most people responded that it rains a lot in Seattle. Yes, it does and thank you for pointing that out. However, I seldomly find myself in need of an umbrella. I do not care that it rains during the week. I am in a cubicle without a window, so it doesn’t affect me.
Below are my reflections from the past year of living in such an active state, where the outdoors is a lifestyle.
Washington has some big elevation gains. I learned this fast when some of my first hikes had snow at the top in June. I bought mountaineering boots and climbed some big volcanoes and mountains throughout the year. There are infinite amount of options in any direction. Check out my early season hiking post, where we had to turn around because we could not find the trail.
Hiking the Enchantments
Have you ever heard of a microclimate? I didn’t before moving to Seattle. A microclimate is a zone where the weather differs from the surrounding area. One weekend we went rock climbing in the desert to skiing in a whiteout within only a few hours of driving. The weather is also different depending on what side of the mountain crest you are on. In the winters, I choose to play in the snow by take a few hours drive up to the mountains.
Snow Activities
To get away from the rainy Seattle weather on the weekends, I head to the mountains to ski or snowshoe. I have learned how to dress for winter activities, which has made me love winter. I learned how to ski a year before moving here on some bunny hills in Ohio and enjoyed my first season of Washington skiing. I just signed up for a season ski pass!
Overnight Snowshoe Hike
Facing Fears
I had my first panic attack ascending Mount Saint Helens last winter. I had never used crampons and only used snowshoes a couple of times. I did not know how I would get down! I was hyperventilating and crying on this snow covered volcano. Even though my fears got the best of me, I did not let it stop me. I attempted Mount Adams and made it to the summit six months later.
Learning to do activities as an adult creates more fear than I like to admit. Looking down from the top of a ski slope is terrifying, but I have to get down. Andy has done his fair share of pushing my limits by tricking me to go down black diamond routes, where there is no turning back. After my first season, I can safely say I still get scared. But it is never as bad as it seemed when standing at the top looking down.
Resting on the Summit of Mount Adams
Festivals/Farmers Markets
Seattle and its neighborhoods have so many street festivals in the summer, along with varying farmers markets. Some of the farmers markets are open all year. A festival is a great way to hang out with friends outside of going out to the bars. We have enjoyed seafood festivals and beer festivals. There is always something going on in Seattle!
Making Friends
I have been fortunate to meet many friends through common interests and mutual friends from PA. My adjustment to Seattle was eased by having such great new friends. From bars to film festivals to camping to climbs, it has been a memorable year.
Technology also makes keeping in touch with old friends easy. I realized fast that friends and family are just a phone call away.
Hiking to Lake Serene with Friends
I have found a passion for blogging and sharing my experiences. Lots of hours have been spent writing, editing photos, and doing site maintenance. I actually have my first Travel Massive Meetup this week and am excited to meet fellow travel bloggers. Even though I started the blog a few years ago, I was working full time and in graduate school. Let’s just say I barely had time to eat let alone blog. My travel blog has become my new hobby.
A Few Seattle Observations and/or Facts:
- Seattle has the best summers with little humidity and three months of sunshine.
- Seattle has few thunder/lightening storms (I am a little sad about this one).
- Seattle rarely gets snow in the city and has few snow plow trucks.
- Ferries and floating bridges are common transportation.
- Jaywalking is taken seriously.
- Seattle has beaches.
- People live on houseboats.
- Microbreweries are everywhere.
- Coffee-holics rejoice. There are cafes, coffee stands, and drive-thrus everywhere.
- Food trucks are everywhere and great for a quick bite to eat.
- The Sounders (Major League Soccer) has a huge following.
- Within Seattle limits, stores charge for bagging and do not have plastic bags.
- Thrift stores are popular.
- Most people I meet are from another state or country.
Seattle is my home. The mountainous views are stunning, and I do not think I could ever get tired of seeing Rainier tower over Seattle. The Pacific Northwest provides so many fun and interesting activities and sights. Please visit and see why I have fallen in love with the PNW.
Did I miss a Seattle highlight? Please comment below.
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