How to Create and Organize Outdoor Gear Storage
Pack easier with an organized outdoor gear storage space. Here’s one approach on how to make the best use of your living space to organize gear.
Pack easier with an organized outdoor gear storage space. Here’s one approach on how to make the best use of your living space to organize gear.
Chances are you already have what you need to start hiking. Do you have sneakers, athletic clothing, and a backpack? Pack the backpack with snacks …
You moved to Seattle and have an inkling to explore outside of the city. But don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. I meet …
The outdoors can be intimidating, but if you can walk, you can hike. Sometimes, I’m in such a routine, I forget that I have a …
I wasn’t sure hiking the Huntington Ravine trail today was going to happen but knew I’d regret it if I didn’t try. During my hike …
The alarm sounds at 4:30 am. Cold coffee in our thermoses gives us a perk as we drive down the dark, dirt roads from Abol …
Extended daylight in the summer months allow hikers and climbers to get outside for some after-work training hikes near Seattle. Since I’ve been training for …
The Olympic Peninsula is known for its rainforests, giant trees, national park, and Pacific coastline. Living in Seattle, the waters of Puget Sound give a …
Hiking Ben Nevis brings hikers and climbers to the highest point in the United Kingdom. Even in the summer months, the summit can be quite …
From time to time, I work with other travel writers who want to share their travel and destination tips. Here’s a post by Rebecca from …