The map below show destinations I have traveled. Since my blog is relatively young, light blue shades represent destinations I have been but have not written about on this site. The medium blue are places I have visited, along with the dark blue for places I have lived. Click on the banners or links in order to see my articles for each destination.

Feel free to leave comments or share but most of all ENJOY!

North America Destinations

a banner that links to canada blog posts

a banner linking to united states blog posts

a banner that links to alaska blog posts

a banner that links to arizona blog posts

a banner that links to california blog posts

a banner that links to colorado blog posts

a banner linking to florida blog posts

a banner that links to hawaii blog posts

a banner that links to idaho blog posts

a banner that links to Louisiana blog posts

a banner that links to montana blog posts

a banner that links to ohio blog posts

a banner that links to oregon blog posts

a banner linking to pennsylvania blog posts

a banner linking to utah blog posts

a banner that links to virginia blog posts

a banner that links to washington blog posts

a banner that links to west virginia blog posts

a banner that links to wyoming blog posts

Europe Destinations

a banner that links to blog posts on austria

a banner linking to england blog posts

a banner to take you to an iceland destination page

a banner to take you to ireland blog stories

a banner that will take you to france blog posts

a banner that links to spain blog posts

a banner that links to sweden blog posts

South America Destinations

a banner that links to argentina blog posts

a banner that links to brazil blog posts

a banner that links to chile blog posts

a banner linking to peru blog posts

Oceania Destinations

a banner that links to new zealand blog posts

Asia Destinations