I am always up for meeting new people and learning about their experiences. So when I saw a post to meet someone randomly selected in another country, I signed up. I will be getting to know a stranger through a one time (or more) pen-pal correspondence.
I must admit that I am already partaking in a pen-pal exchange with Jenny from the Ukraine that now lives in Prague. My friend from high school, Matt, was in the PeaceCorps for four years and allowed me to take part in his pen-pal program to help his students read and write English. It is interesting to learn about her and the cultural differences from her growing up from when I did.
Have I ever mentioned I loved collecting postcards from my trips? Well I do, and I have hundreds without writing or postage on them. This is my chance to collect a postcard that is not a souvenir.
The deadline is August 24th, so make sure you sign up soon if you want to participate. After the selection is made, I will be adding a post on what I will be including in my envelope, so stay tuned!
For more details visit we are adventure.us
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