101 Secrets for your TwentiesLiving through your twenties is a struggle. I finished school, changed jobs, and lived in a few cities. Paul Angone has been blogging to help other twenty-somethings feel better about transitioning on becoming all grown up (or allgroanup.com). His witty spin on the observations that many face after graduating college and landing a dream job helps you feel that you are not alone. Every college graduate should receive this book as a graduation present!

Even though this is not a travel book, 101 Secrets for your Twenties still relates to everyone. Live your life according to your dreams and passions and accept the struggles as learning experiences along the way.

I chuckled, nodded and highlighted.

I recently quit my job (October 2012) in Cleveland, OH, where I was comfortable, and moved across country to Seattle, Washington to follow my boyfriend and his new job. Since I still have not figured out what I want to be when I grow up, I searched from Ohio for six months applying to roughly 200+ jobs, not wanting to quit my job to lose my income with student loans following me like a shadow to move across country. It only took me another two months until I landed a job. I was afraid I was going to burn through my savings in no time instead of taking that time to travel. I have been stuck in a cubicle without knowing if the sun is shining or not for most of my twenties, and Paul addresses it!

I read the book on my Kindle Fire, so I could highlight all the secrets that I wanted to remember. Being selected as part of his launch team is a huge honor, and I wanted to make sure I did the book justice. I was highlighting almost every page! Paul makes the book light and entertaining, so it is not a chore to pick up the book and read.

Let me be honest: It takes me months to finish a book. I read on lunch breaks and before bed when I am not overly exhausted. However, the secrets are direct and to the point. I couldn’t tell you one secret that I did not relate to or knew someone who did! I took mental notes of which friends I will be recommending the book to.

I have been fortunate to travel through my twenties by using all my vacation days every year. It is one of my hobbies. I started my travel blog a few years ago but with graduate school and a full time job I had little time to write posts. Since graduating, I have decided to share my travel experiences through blogging to show it is still possible to travel when struggling through your twenties.

101 Secrets for your TwentiesMy most favorite secrets from the book: Secret #59. I can’t tell you how many times people look at me like I am crazy. Now I am going to start accepting blank stares and “I don’t know how to respond to that” looks as I am doing something right. I will not conform to society’s standards or expectations. I am living and pushing through my comfort levels. I will prove you wrong. Secret #59 points out that it is ok to be yourself. It is hard to lose your personality at a job, but Paul’s secrets helps with observations I have noticed in my own life. I might not have been able to express them as well as Paul, but I completely relate.

101 Secrets for your TwentiesMy second favorite secret is #35. As Paul points out, we twenty-somethings need to stick together and stop comparing ourselves to each other. Sure competition is good but don’t let it ruin you if it is outside of your control. Live your life the best you can and stop trying to have someone else’s. Social media only shows one side of the person you sat next to in high school calculus’ life (another one of Paul’s secrets on when not to check Facebook). Don’t forget before you start wishing you had their life that they are only sharing what they want people to know. Stay positive and adjust your plans and goals when needed.

Even though I was part of the launch team, I was asked to give an honest review of the book. It was so hard not to give an amazing review. All opinions are my own.

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101 Secrets for your Twenties: Author Bio

Paul AngonePaul Angone is an author, speaker, storyteller, humorist, and the creator of AllGroanUp.com – a place for those asking “What now?” His article “21 Secrets for your 20s,” on which this book is based, has been read by nearly a million people in 190 countries. Paul studied at Westmont College and then received his Master’s degree at Azusa Pacific University. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their two beautiful girls.